Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun Saturday afternoon

On Saturday afternoon we went to a farm in Longmont, CO and had a lot of fun. The little girls all got to feed a lot of animals, ride the pony, play in the sand, climb a cool tree house, ride bike's, run on top of hay stacks and swing in some really high swings. I think that was it. We had so much fun. On the other hand, the guys had gone fishing in another town about 1hr. away and believe it or not got caught up in a tornado. Well they didn't exactly get caught in it but close enough if you ask them. They were on their way to go fishing when Nick looked up in the sky and saw the startings of a funnel cloud. They stayed away from it as best they could. Luckily they did not see the worst of it. The next area up from them had quite a bit of damage. They eventually got to go fishing but never caught anything. Nick said he had a fun time just hanging out with the guys though.

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